The following curriculum is a comprehensive look at the in’s and out’s of how 6th Ave Homes approaches real estate. We believe that much of our success has come from our mission, strategies and overall approach this industry. We strongly believe that these sessions are essential to your success as a Guide. 

The following sessions are laid out in a specific order that we have found works well when starting with a new company and learning our approach. For those with previous real estate experience, you may not need to go through each session as in depth. However, it will still be important to review so you understand 6th Ave Systems and Processes.


Coaches (if applicable): Use the content outline for each session to guide your time together. Each mentee will have different needs so expect to spend more time on some topics and less on others. Prior to each session, re-familiarize yourself with the content. Please add your personal touch as you see fit.

Mentees (if applicable): Prepare for each meeting by reading the session’s material and completing the required “Prepare” section beforehand. Some sessions include Training Activities to accomplish as homework. Once the training is complete, this will serve as a resource to revisit from time to time in order stay on top of your craft as a Guide.

Session 1: Intro to 6th Ave Homes


  • Before your meeting, you should have read through the linked websites below in the “Material” section.

  • If you have not done so yet, watch the Mission and Core Values videos on the “About” page of the website.

  • Download and review “6th Ave Roadmap”


  • Starting with the “Why”

    • Discuss the “Why” behind 6th Ave Homes, why starting with this is so important, and how this is different from other companies.

    • Review the Mission, Vision, and Goals page

    • Discuss our Core Values 

  • Review the 6th Ave Guide Expanded Role and Expectations Document

    • Work through this document and make sure you understand all expectations of a Guide. Discuss any questions with your coach or Brokerage Manager.

    • Note - There will be several items on the expectations that will be reviewed in later training sessions (Ex: Managing a contact database will be covered in Session 8)

  • Introduce “6th Ave Roadmap”

    • This is our vision, language, and generally who we are at 6th Ave Homes. This document will get you up to speed with our company quickly.

      • Review 6th Ave Homes Brandscript and External Communication Strategies (featured throughout the Roadmap)

        • This can be used in social media content, at meetups, and is especially helpful when communicating with clients.

        • Discuss how using stories can help further relationships and transactions. This is further outlined in Networking with Soul. 

  • Introduce “Networking with Soul” - Our guide to the better way to build and engage with your network

    • The earlier you start the steps outlined in “Networking with Soul” the better off you will be.

    • It can take about 3-4 weeks to get off the ground. Don’t get behind on this, it is foundational to your success as an agent.

  • Review the Storytelling Resources page

    • This page is your hub for the best of what we do in Storytelling.

    • Review and begin implementing!

  • Intro to the 6th Ave Homes Back Site

  • Technology Review

    • Discuss each of the following tools and how we use them. Coaches, take some time to make sure mentees can login and have the proper access they need:

      • Slack

      • Rechat

      • Realscout

      • Google Suite (Email and Calendar)

  • The Office

    • Fort Worth

      • The office is yours to use, make good use of it. Reserve the conference rooms to make sure there isn’t overlap with other team members!

      • Feel free to use the office after hours. Just be sure to lock up and leave the office better than you found it.

      • Door code and security system code - 8590


    • How you manage your time will dictate your success and how the first year of real estate goes. Manage your time well!

    • Remember, you are starting a business. This is the first step of a long career, do the things today that you will thank yourself for in 6 months

    • Summary for a successful start as a newly licensed agent


  • Spend an hour exploring with Slack, Rechat, and Realscout. You will use these tools everyday as an agent. Each platform has a very thorough FAQ’s or Help section in cause you have questions.

    • You will spend more time in the platforms together in Session 3 and there will be periodic trainings for Rechat and Realscout each quarter.

Session 2:  Explanation of One Stop Shop


  • Before the meeting, read through the entire session as well as the linked pages below.


Session 3: Getting Set Up & Contracts


  • Before the meeting, make sure to read through the linked pages below and watch all video tutorials for MLS and Brokermint. The videos will help you be prepared for the training, equipped with a strong understanding and awareness of the session topics. 

  • Review and Complete Steps 4-11 on the 6th Ave Guide Onboarding Page. These are tasks that you will need to follow up on and complete in order to move forward to any other session in this Guide Training.


  • Review 6th Ave Guide Onboarding with your coach and review the following items:

    • Rechat

      • Review how to enter a transaction into Rechat

      • Review each contract package with your Coach and discuss key points of each one: why and how it is used (high level overview)

      • Review how to submit documents for approval

    • ShowingTime and Brokerbay

      • Review how to get signed in and how to set up a showing for a buyer. 

      • Any new updates with the showing platforms

    • Realscout

      • Review how Realscout helps with customer experience and sphere of influence conversion.

      • Review where to find the resource library within the platform for training and questions.

      • Review setting up client searches

    • MLS log in

      • Review logging into the MLS and how to efficiently navigate it.

Training Activity

  • Walk through setting up a saved search on the MLS and RealScout. New Agents should leave with a saved search set up to go to their personal email address.

    • This should be done after the day’s training session is completed. Allow for 30-45 minutes in addition to your teaching time.

Session 4: Buying Part 1

Leads, Meet Ups, and The Search


  • Before the meeting, read through the entire session as well as the linked pages below. This will prepare you with a high-level understanding and awareness of the topics for today’s session.


  • Use the Buying Steps For Guides page as a guide for this session. This page outlines the steps you’ll go through as you begin working with a new lead all the way through to closing on their purchase. Keep this page handy as it will be a major resource for you as you begin your career!

    • We will be covering each of the steps listed on this Backsite page over the next 4 sessions. In this specific session, we will be discussing the Initial Contact, Meet Up, After, “Yes, they want to work with you”, and Begin the Home Search portions

*Note - there are value-adds briefly covered throughout the next few training sessions. We will spend one of our last sessions going in-depth and focusing on using these value-adds with your clients. *

  • Initial Contact - Read through this section with your Coach and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below:

    • Discuss the following with your Coach regarding how to approach your initial contact

      • The goal of the initial contact is to begin building rapport as well as to schedule an in-person meeting with your lead.

      • This also goes for leads you already have a relationship with. Having a formal Meet Up, even with friends and family, before jumping into the search will help to establish you as their guide and sets expectations for the process.

      • Don’t assume that you’re friends and family will automatically respect you as a professional. Use the Meet Up to establish your credibility.

  • The Meet Up and Follow Up - Read through this section with your Coach and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below:

    • Discuss what items to cover as well as how to lead a Meet Up

      • Review the 6th Ave booklet and how to use it as a resource during your Meet Up.

      • The Meet Up is crucial for setting expectations and starting your relationship with a new lead on a good note. Show new leads that you can guide them through the process, by providing clarity on next steps and connecting them to good resources, and make their purchase as smooth as possible.

      • To excel in a Meet Up, be sure you know each step of the buying process and are able to clearly communicate it. 

    • Lending Overview:

      • You don’t want to get into a situation where your clients love a house or you are putting in a ton of work without a pre-approval. Securing a pre-approval will ensure a buyer client understands their monthly expense of the home and is prepared for the financial side of their transaction.

    • The Haircut Metaphor - Anyone can cut hair but you want a great haircut and experience; it’s the same way with lenders. There are good and bad lenders, both will loan you money but what level of service will they provide and how much attention will they give you?

    • Good lenders find what type of loan structure works best for your client and will be both your advocate and your main point of contact throughout the process.

      • Review different types of financing:

        • Conventional - Traditional mortgage, min 3% down, Mortgage Insurance if under 20% down

        • VA - For veterans. Allows no down payment but has strict approval requirements. 

        • FHA - allows for as little as 3.5% down, requires a Mortgage Insurance Premium

        • Renovation Loan - typically requires 20-30%, lender’s requirements vary

    • Smaller lenders can typically provide a hands-on, boutique service and will use local appraisers who understand the local market.

    • Bad lenders can kill a deal if they are not responsive, cannot close in time, or generally do not prioritize your client.

  • When discussing the “Buyer’s Representation Agreement” be sure to let the lead know that the dates can be adjusted and that you can nullify the agreement if they feel you have not provided them with quality service and want to part ways.

  • Review how our services are a value-add to buyers:

    • We can help with the home search, but our biggest advantage is the ONE STOP SHOP. With our experience, we know what redflags to look for, the cost to address them, and ultimately what is worth killing a deal over. 

    • We are also crucial to negotiation, interacting with contracts, title and lenders, and getting clients to closing. 

  • Recap! When following up with new leads, be as clear as possible and set up your email in a manner that requires a response.

  • “Yes, We Want to Work With You!” - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below: 

    • Discuss what steps to take after confirming a new client.

    • Briefly review the initial form package as previously discussed in Session 3.

  • Begin the Home Search - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below: 

    • Once you have received the documents back from your new clients, you will take the details gathered at the Meet Up and a search for them.

    • Even a small renovation project can go a long way in the overall home value for your client. Be sure to search for homes that are $50-$150k less than their budget, or one bedroom or bathroom less, in case you find a fixer upper or a candidate for an add-on. By working with you, your clients can consider a wider range of options for their purchase and get closer to a home that feels like them! 

    • Typical task ratio when working with a Buyer:

      • 10% Contracts - You need to know your documents

      • 30% Showing Houses - You need to understand market and area

      • 10% Negotiation - You need to understand what to negotiate and when 

      • 50% Communication - You need to update your clients before they ask for an update! 

        • As a Guide, much of your job is to manage expectations, keep the ball rolling between all parties, and be the intermediary between the Title and the Lender, ensuring everyone has what they need for closing.

        • Starting their search is the beginning of much of your communication work.

Training Activity

  • Once all the material has been reviewed, set up a test transaction in Rechat and walk through the initial document package together.

    Session 5: Buying Part 2

    Showings, Submitting Offers, and Being under Contract


  • Before the meeting, read through the entire session as well as the linked pages below. This will prepare you with a high-level understanding and awareness of the topics for today’s session.

  • Print off each of the documents featured below to makes as you walk through each one.


  • In this session, you will use the Buying Steps For Guides page as a guide and focus for the process of Showings, Making Offers and Being Under Contract.

  • Showings - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below: 

    • Prepare, Prepare, Prepare - Preparation is going to help you advise your clients well during showings and give you a good starting point on your game plan for making offers.

    • Showing Strategies

      • Typically, you will schedule your showings geographically. But remember, the order you do them in can impact a client’s perception of the home.

      • Scheduling “worst to best” will finish the day with the best option standing out as the freshest in your client’s mind. 

      • Scheduling “best to worst” will juxtapose the best home against the competition and often help to weed out the “maybe’s” faster as well as speed up the showing process.

    • Recap, Recap, Recap - How you communicate with your clients is crucial. A detailed recap email is a big part of how they will process the homes they saw.

  • Making an Offer - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below: 

    • As always, set expectations with your clients. In most cases, sellers will negotiate the terms of the initial offer they receive so take the time to formulate a game plan with your clients as to how they will counter back when the time comes.

    • Prior to submitting an offer, reach out to the listing agent and discuss the property. Building a personal relationship with the selling agent may be what separates you from the crowd, and might make them give you a shot at raising your offer to win the property.

      • Note: Agents cannot disclose offer amounts, but you can find out if there are other offers as well as any other helpful information about what the seller is looking for in an offer.

    • Buyer’s letters can help your client’s offer stand out. Provide them with a template sample to help them get started.

    • Review the following documents:

      • One to Four Family Contract

        • Ensure all applicable addendum boxes are checked to certify it is included in the offer

        • Discuss the terms that will need to be filled in on a typical offer

          • Names on contract, sales price, financing amount, down payment, earnest money, who is paying for title & survey, closing date, option period and option fee

      • 3rd Party Financing

        • This is your exit strategy in the event that something goes wrong on the lending side of the transaction

        • It protects the buyer if the buyer or the property is not approved by the lender, and allows for the return of earnest money.

        • Note how to use the rate ceiling and other blanks as well as Paragraph 2b to protect buyers.

      • LBPA

        • Agents need to sign this as well

        • You will also need to send your buyers the “Information about lead based paint” pdf in the buyer’s template

      • TILA-RESPA

        • This document allows Title and Lenders to work with you on the buyers behalf

      • 6th Ave specific Documents: 

        • Reno Terms and Conditions

          • The why behind the “Renovation Terms and Conditions”

            In summary this document is to protect Agents and 6th Ave Homes from any confusion that arises from the assumptions that can be made about working with a Real Estate Agent at our company. This document makes it crystal clear that an agent is not liable for anything they discuss having to do with home issues, improvements, vendors referred, and the associated costs with them

            The primary objectives of the document are:

            • Protect Agents and 6th Ave Homes from errors and misunderstandings that arise from the discussions, opinions, and advice regarding renovation or similar items (think costs of HVAC repair, painting, foundation issues, sheetrock repair, fencing, etc.). As agents at 6th Ave we want to feel comfortable talking about these things with your clients using the “Renovation Pricing Cheat Sheet” or your general knowledge. The lines can get blurred between what is simply dreaming (talking about feasibility or design of a kitchen reno) or bringing solutions to clear issues on a property (potential cost to add a fence, paint a room, or repair a sheetrock crack)and a promise of what should be done. This is rare but every year there are a few clients that, regardless of how many times expectations are set, have in their head that a 6th Ave Real Estate Agent is an expert general contractor, foundation repair company, roofer, designer, etc. etc. etc. 

            • Protect against confusion about the services provided by 6th Ave and each department. Because 6th Ave Homes has a brokerage, construction, and design in house and we market the “One Stop Shop” people have all kinds of expectations about what they will get out of the process by working with an agent. 

            • Protect against any liability that comes from referring out a 3rd party vendor. It makes it clear that the decision to use a referred out vendor is entirely on the Client and while we try to refer out trustworthy vendors an agent or 6th Ave Homes is not responsible for any issues that arise. 

            • Protect against regret from decisions that are made based on advice and opinions from Agents as it pertains to improvements to property.

            Here’s is some helpful language for communicating with clients – “I know we talked about this some but my goal is to guide your through the process and, when needed, talk about potential issues or improvements of the properties we will see. To do this well I will speak from my experience and from resources from our construction team. This document reiterates that when we have those conversations I am speaking from my perspective as an agent and will be sharing opinions not promises. I know this won’t be an issue for us but it keeps everything very clear as we kick off your buying/selling process.”

        • Square Footage Document

          • The why behind the Square Footage Document

            • From time to time homeowners, tax records, and appraisers disagree on the size of a home. When a house is listed the we can assume the listing square footage number is trustworthy but there can be some variance. This document removes the liability from the real estate agent in the event that the square footage of a house is found to be more or less than it was marketed.

  • Offer Acceptance & Option Period - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below: 

    • Once the offer is accepted and sent to the title company, you will need to get the ball rolling by keeping open lines of communication with all parties.

    • Reinforce to your buyers that you can always renegotiate before the expiration of option.

    • Discuss what the possible re-negotiation scenarios are.

    • Discuss in detail how to calculate critical dates

    • Review how to introduce your clients and their lender to title via email and sending the next steps email to your client.

    • Remember, your option period starts the day after the Effective Date, not the date the that contract is submitted to the Title Company. Always be sure that the home inspection is scheduled as soon as possible to give you time to bring in any additional contractors and work on negotiations. 

      • We will cover the inspection and second negotiation thoroughly in the next training session.

  • Managing Expectations with your Client and Supporting Parties (not on the Buying Steps page)

    • It is a great practice to deliver both the bad and the good news early and quick. 

      • Prepare the buyers for any situations they might face and provide them solutions for how to move forward if: 

        • Their offer get beaten out by other buyers 

        • Sellers are rejecting their offers or they are not coming to terms

        • Appraisals can cause problems so it is wise to communicate about them often

          • If it is late, it can push back closing

          • If it is under value, you will need to negotiate with the seller (more on this in the next session)

    • During the search and purchase, remind your clients not to do anything that can impact credit like having a hard credit check or taking on any additional debt.

    • Create communication rhythms with Weekly Check In’s

      • Weeks may go by without showing a house, so let your clients know when to expect your contact. We suggest getting into a weekly rhythm for touching base.

      • Look for ways to convey the fact that you are working and adding value to avoid being “out of sight of, out of mind”.

      • Ask good follow-up questions to keep your clients engaged.

      • When you can, share with them potential homes or off-market listings that you know of, even if they are a little out of their criteria.

    • Be a Recap Pro! This is the third time “recap” has come up, it must be important

      • Email recaps are one of the best ways to show people you are listening. They also help you avoid mistakes down the road. Recap emails are expected after:

        • The Meet-Up - with the details of what they want, timeline, budget, etc. 

        • Showings - with their feedback and updates so your client can review and reference later.

        • Once you’re under contract 

      • Paper trails save you headache and serve clients well.

        • They make clients feel heard and valued. They also prevent the dreaded “he said, she said”. 

    • Keep the deal alive with communication between your client, the other agent, the lender, the Title Company, etc. It is your responsibility to get answers if you are not being updated.

Training Activity

  • HOMEWORK- Create a theoretical offer strategy for an Active Property on MLS.

    • You should include your opinion on value of each home and what you might expect the house to sell for.

      *Your Coach will provide a due date for the package and you will review together during your next session*

Session 6: Buying Part 3

Inspection, Second Negotiation, Post Option and Closing


  • Before the meeting, read through the entire session as well as the linked pages below. This will prepare you with a high-level understanding and awareness of the topics for today’s session.


  • Read through the Buying Steps For Guides page focusing on the Inspection, Second Negotiation and Closing sections.

  • Inspections - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below:

    • Always encourage your clients to come to the end of the inspection to hear a recap from the inspector. 

      • Hearing the red flags from the inspector directly, before reading the report, will help you determine what issues are important to address.

    • Always preface your suggestions with the fact that you are not a contractor, you are just providing your humble opinion.

  • Second Negotiation - Read through this section with your Coach and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below:

    • There are generally two types of negotiators: Those that look for Win/Win’s and those that need Win/Lose situations.

      • After your first round of negotiations, you should be able to determine the type of agent you are working with. If they are the “must win” type, make them think you are losing.

      • When you have to ask something that is sort of extreme, own it!

        • This tactic can take an agent’s guard down and communicates that you are trying to be reasonable.

      • Ideally you can cut to the chase to try to determine the end goal of the seller quickly.

    • Discuss the application and advantages of Seller’s Concessions and Price Reductions

      • Sellers Concessions or Reduction in sale price are two standard ways to get the compensation needed to make up for deficiencies found on the inspection.

        • For concessions:

          • If your client is putting 3-10% down your concessions are maxed out at the lessor of 3% of sales price or your client’s closing costs

          • If your client is putting 10-25% down your concessions are maxed out at the lessor of 6% of sales price or your client’s closing costs

    • Once you have your counter, notify the realtor by providing a signed copy of the TREC Amendment as well as any proof of required updates: copies of inspection, estimated expenses or copies of bids for repairs.

    • Negotiating Down to the Wire

      • Set expectations that the seller may not agree to their request initially and you could be running out of time in the option period

      • Try to have your amendments ready to go 24-48 hours before option expires

      • You can always ask for an option period extension if both sides need more time and are cooperating

      • If you are down to the last few hours, or the agent/sellers are not cooperating, on the last day of the option period you can send a contract termination form and attach an amendment of the changes you want made.

        • Be sure to “CC” the Title Company so they know the contract could terminate at 5 pm that day

        • Remember - This is not something to do every time as you run the risk the seller will terminate the contract. However, this can be a good “Hail Mary” effort to finalize the deal.

  • Closing - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this portion below

    • Rechat has tasks for each of the required documents to make it easier to get your compliance done right the first time.

Training Activity

  • Your Coach will walk you through an inspection on a property they have worked on. They will also review what items to look out for and how they addressed said items in the negotiations

Session 7:  Listing 101


  • Before meeting, read through the linked pages below as well as the Listing 101 steps for the agent. This will prepare you with a high-level understanding and awareness of the topics for today’s session.


  • Read through the 6th Ave Guide Listing Steps. This backsite page covers every step that you will go through when listing a home. This session will cover each listing step and provide discussion topics as you work through the back site page.

  • Initial Contact - Read through this section and Refer to “Buying Part 1” for any refreshers on how to deal with new leads. This section follows the same process but covers situations where the seller is wanting to buy and sell. 

  • The Meet Up - Read through this section with your Coach and then discuss the additional information related to this section below:

  • Discuss your research prior to your listing meeting! Review area, similar comps, days on market, similar current listings. The more you know about your listing the better.

  • Discuss the items you need to bring when going to a Meet Up. 

  • The number one goal is to get a listing agreement signed that day or the following. You should always, at a minimum, give a recommended list price range for them to consider.

  • Additional expectations to give when at a Meet Up:

    • Set them up for success - be clear that if they want to sell quickly, it needs to be priced competitively. The number one way to sell your home quickly is price. There is no other incentive or repair that will sell it quicker than that. 

    • Be clear on what homes are selling for and the max they could get for it is

    • Break down what updates the more expensive homes had and how that compares to their property

    • Selling takes time

      • We cannot guarantee that a house will sell in 24 hours just because their neighbor’s did

      • Share the average days on market for the area.

      • The right buyer is out there. You only need one - if showings are light, this does not mean it will not sell

    • All eyeballs will be on your house

      • When added to MLS, anyone working with a realtor that has a home search matching the specs of your house will be notified of this listing.

      • We will also post on social media outlets; however, listing on MLS ensures it is in front of qualified buyers.

    • Pricing too high can impact days on market, causing new buyers to ask “What is wrong with it? Why hasn’t it sold?”

    • Review key factors that make a home desirable: price, location, updates

      • We cannot change location, but we can adjust price to reflect homes’ updates or make repairs prior to listing

  • “We Want To List With You” - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this section below:

    • Discuss when and how to follow up after your listing Meet Up

    • Walk through all of the documents in this section and discuss how to fill them out, when to get them signed, and what resources you have to help you. 

    • Pull up Rechat, if needed, at this time and set up all of your listing docs. 

  • Discuss Timeline and Strategy - Read through this section with your Coach and then discuss the additional information related to this section below:

    • Discuss how to create a timeline for your client that lays out what to expect and when

      • Send a long recap email to the client with this information

    • Discuss when to schedule listing photos, videos, and other media content

    • Discuss a “price improvement” plan and the strategy of lowering price by “X” after “X” days on the market. This helps the home get pushed to all potential buyers through MLS search updates

    • Discuss Managing Expectations with the client while their home is listed

      • Keep them updated every step of the way about what is next, what could happen (good or bad), and what you expect will happen. Also, follow up with them regarding what happened and next steps.

      • Focus on keeping the ball rolling by coordinating with all parties involved: buyers/sellers, other agent, lender, title, etc., if you are not getting updated in a timely manner.

      • Check in with clients on a weekly basis

        • Just like working with buying clients, set expectations that you will touch base with them at a regular interval, usually every 7 days, to update them on their home and next steps.

        • Schedule time to review strategy with them and allow them to answer questions and provide feedback for you.

        • Especially if the market is slow, you will want to overly communicate to let them know you are working to sell their house. Keep them updated on marketing & pricing strategy as well as market shifts. 

      • Market data on the average time on market and sales average price is always a great value add.

  • Getting the House Live - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this section below:

    • Discuss entering the listing into MLS and ShowingTime or Brokerbay

      • Use professional photos on MLS

      • Set up ShowingTime with automatic feedback as well as follow up with agents for feedback after showings

    • Discuss how to buy and put on a Supra Blue Lock Box 

    • Review how to have a listing featured on social media via the Marketing Request

      • This same process applies for featuring an open house!

      • Remember - 6th Ave social media pages can work as great outlets for promoting what you have going on!

    • Discuss other marketing strategies to market your listing

      • Making a “Coming Soon” socials post on your personal pages or groups like ‘Tanglewood Moms’

      • Paying for Facebook or Instagram ads for your listing

      • Calling other brokers and agents and offering to pay more commission or that sellers will offer concessions

    • Discuss what is needed for proper staging

      • The best general rule of thumb is to minimize and declutter the home

      • Photos bring buyers in so the home needs to be perfect for photos

      • If the home needed several updates (repairs, paint, cleaning, minimalizing), then schedule a walk through a couple of days before photos to ensure it is ready to go.

      • Show up to the photoshoot to ensure that proper staging and angles are included

        • You will want to depersonalize and move items around for the photographer and offer a hand with rearranging any items that weren’t removed.

  • Showings and Offers - Read through this section and then discuss the additional information related to this section below:

    • Review what expectations to set when showing the seller’s home

      • Let them know showings may not be convenient; however, it is important to leave their home clean every morning due to potential showings throughout the week.

      • Allow your clients to approve/deny showings so they have a sense of control on their schedule.

      • Remind them that people will look in all drawers, closets, etc, so remove anything personal or valuable.

    • Discuss How to Host Open Houses

      • We have 2 recommendations for having an open house. Either the first weekend it was listed, for a property you believe will sell fast, to generate multiple offers or within the first two weeks of listing to generate more interest

      • Update MLS listing to schedule the open house so that it feeds other real estate websites

      • Post about open house on social media and notify our marketing team so they can advertise it on 6th Ave social channels

      • Make the open house fun

        • Advertise a giveaway and fun food or drinks

        • Go door to door the day before notifying neighbors of the open house and invite them to come over 

        • Review when and how to schedule an Open House and what additional items to have with you

  • Offer Acceptance, Post Option, Closing - Read through these sections with your Coach and then discuss. 

    • Discuss the CDA checklist. If you do not have these documents, you will not get paid.

    • Refer to Session 9: Celebration for Closing and Value Add’s 

Session 8: Marketing yourself as a Realtor



  • Review and debrief progress on implementing Networking with Soul

  • Storytelling Resources

    • Review the Storytelling Resources page

      • Discuss the resources available to help with creating and capturing content

  • Social Media

    • Download and review the Ebooks on the Storytelling Resources page

      • Schedule 2 hrs per week to put the principles in practice from the Ebooks

    • Based on our Social Media eBook create a plan to post about real estate at least once per week on your social media platforms

      • This should include stories and a post

      • Easy entry is reposting what our company page already posts

      • Look to your teammates’ feeds for post ideas

      • Topics include: showings, client stories, closings, 6th Ave projects and design, 6th Ave office happenings

    • Finding ways to add value through your posts will help people connect to your story

  • Review our Marketing Info and Art Page for logos, fonts, and branding

  • Tips for success:

    • Must create a consistent approach to business

      • If you don't like your current outcome, change the process. Your system is designed perfectly to give you the outcomes you are currently getting

      • You must schedule each week and be intentional about using your time if you want to build a successful business.

      • By combining our approach to marketing and networking, you have the start of a great organic lead generation strategy!

Session 9: Celebrating and Conclusion


  • Prior to meeting, review the Celebrate back site page for an understanding of what value-add touchpoints are and when they are expected to be used.


  • Review why celebrating with your client is a mandatory task as a Guide with 6th Ave Homes

    • Clients won’t remember what you did (i.e. small negotiation wins), but they will remember how you made them feel. Part of your job as a guide is to impact them through meaningful, special, and fun moments.

    • Give them touchpoints that make them feel loved, cared for, thought of, and understood

    • Get repeat customers and Referrals by checking in with them, even after closing

  • Review the following processes:

    • Hiring the Transaction Coordinator (Victoria Capps) for a fee to handle these touchpoints

    • How to purchase the 6th Ave Merch

    • 6th Ave Homes Closing box - the cost and what goes in it