How to leverage the One Stop Shop to grow your business


The old school real estate model can’t get it all done! We created a solution that provides clients with a full-service real estate approach from one highly experienced team. 


The One Stop Shop is the combination of several real estate services (Buying/Selling, Renovation, and Design) but all from the same team and company. Having experts in each of these areas under one roof is one of the many things that sets 6th Ave Homes apart from a standard real estate brokerage and something that can give you a competitive advantage over the other agents.

The real estate transaction process is stressful, so as a Guide you come alongside clients to help them navigate every step. A big part of that is using the resources available to you to help them reach their goals. Our Renovation Team can provide crucial insight that will help you serve your clients on the feasibility of future projects and, at times, inform whether or not to move forward on a property that has hidden problems. Our Design Team has the tools to create a home that feels like your client. There is no such thing as a perfect house, but the 6th Ave Homes Team can get your client’s home really close!


Use our services to add value during the Real Estate Process

As a Guide, you should take advantage of the expertise that comes along with being part of 6th Ave Homes. You provide a service that almost no other agent can! Our Designers & Renovation Experts are fun and easy to work with. They know Fort Worth and are ready to help transform your client’s home. 

  • When prospecting for new leads:

    • Realtors are a dime a dozen. Every potential buyer knows a handful, maybe even a few that have done work on a home before. But none know a realtor that has design and renovation experts on their team that are just a phone call away. You offer a totally unique perspective on the real estate process allowing buyers the ability to consider a wider range of homes and giving sellers the help they need to determine the best way to prepare their home to go to market.

    • Sample phrasing when looking for potential buying clients:

      • “The traditional real estate model limits what the options you can consider for your next home. With my team at 6th Ave, we can consider homes that might need a little extra love. Mot just guess about “what could be” but provide quick, accurate pricing and create an action plan to make a home that feels like you!” 

      • “A long home search can leave you feeling like you have to settle on your purchase. Don’t get stuck in a home that doesn’t work for you. When we tour homes, I aim to look at them from all angles to help dream about what tweaks could transform your “good option” to “The ONE” while being mindful of your budget goals.”

      • “Because we work closely with our Renovation Team, we know the difference between construction issues that are red flags that you should run from or something that is a simple fix that might scare other buyers away.”

    • Sample phrasing when looking for potential selling clients:

      • “After walking through your property, I can provide you with my ideas on what will help your home show the best. We can also take a look at any projects you might want to get done before listing and see if they are worth doing. A fresh coat of paint can go a long way and is something you might have the time to do. I can also suggest some of our trusted vendors to help with projects. If there is anything major to knock out, we can get our team to give us pricing and make a plan to get it taken care of!”

  • At a Meet Up:

    • At your first formal Meet Up with a client, regardless of how well you know them, take the time to introduce the services in the Meet Up booklet. Use the booklet as a resource to show the different ways 6th Ave Homes can support during and after their purchase.

    • Be sure to cover how the process of working with the Renovation Team goes during their search. Refer to the Guide Renovation Steps as a road map before your Meet Up.

    • Sample phrasing for a Meet Up:

      • “While looking for homes, I can provide some loose ranges for us to keep in mind regarding projects that could help a home become a viable option. Moving a wall, or a kitchen or bathroom remodel are a few we might consider. I will be cognizant of the potential value after the remodel so you stay away from a situation where you won’t get the value out of your work down the road. To get a more dialed in estimate from our Renovation Team, we require that you be under contract first. It takes time to dial those numbers in so it is our policy to have one of our team members out during the option period to give a better estimate. Once we have this number, you can make the decision whether or not to move forward based on your budget. If you do move forward, we will order a formal bid to get the exact cost in for you.”

  • When you have begun searching for homes:

    • Even a small renovation project can go a long way in the overall home value for your client. Be sure to search for homes $50-$150k less than their budget or one less bedroom or bathroom in case you find a fixer upper or candidate for an add-on. By working with you, your clients can consider a wider range of options for their purchase and get closer to a home that feels like them! 

    • After getting their feedback from showings, you can always dial the search in from there if they decide they want a home that does not require any updating.

    • Use the Renovation Pricing Cheat Sheet to guide your clients with potential project costs. The Renovation Team can provide estimates once you are under contract on a property. 

    • As always, be sure to set clear expectations about the process and the difference between your rough estimations and the range our Renovation Team will provide. 

  • During showings:

    • When you’re showing homes, take time to walk through the solution kinks they may have with a house. You are a guide to their process so use the Renovation Pricing Cheat Sheet to directly address the costs associated with projects they might want to do. 

    • Much of your time inside a home will be helping cast vision for how your clients might use the space to suit their needs. Keep in mind the services our Design Team can provide and the associated costs from the Design Consultation One Page

    • Adding value sometimes looks like helping clients walk away from a property. Don’t be afraid to shoot down one of their options if the improvement costs are out of their budget or would leave them over-invested in a property. 

    • If there is a property your clients get excited about that requires a renovation, use the What a Contractor Needs to Know document to gather information and begin the process to get a rough estimate.

    • Sample phrasing during showings:

      • “The flow of this house is really unique, our Design Team could really transform this into something special.” 

      • “This house was last updated in “X” and you can really tell. Some new surfaces, paint and fixtures would really transform it.”

      • “It looks like this property checks all the boxes aside from the small guest bathroom and kitchen needing some love. Right now we’re seeing between “X” and “X” for a kitchen remodel and between “X” and “X” for a bath room depending on the finishes you want to go with for each. That would really make this home more functional for you guys.”

      • “This home is a solid candidate for major renovation. I think by adding some additional square footage and updates, your after renovation value will be around “X” and allow you to customize this home to your needs for the next 10 years.”

      • “From looking at the survey, I think this lot has enough room for a garage and maybe even a garage apartment. That will really give you the workshop space you’ve wanted and some income if you want to rent out the apartment.”

      • “Additional square footage is one of the best ways to add value to a home and can be done at a fairly approachable cost. Doing an attic conversion on this one might be just what you need to get additional space for your family.”

      • “I think a lot of buyers have overlooked this property because they can’t get over the aesthetic. It was last updated about “X” years ago. With new paint, cabinets, countertops and getting rid of “X” in the bathroom, it will feel like a totally new home. Our design team can work with you to put together a cohesive vision to make it exactly what you want.”

      • “Like a lot of homes in the neighborhood, these closets are super small and not having a true master suite makes this a tough option. We should be able to give this master bedroom a full update and be left with some of your budget to spare.”

      • “To get this home where you want it is going to be a ton of work. To keep it within your budget as we discussed, I think it would be best to phase it out. It makes sense to knock out “X” and “X” first, then wait until you have some more saved up next year for the rest of the project.”

      • “Downsizing doesn’t mean you have to lose the open kitchen you’ve been wanting. You could add some new cabinets here and move this wall to open the house up more. It would make this “X” square feet feel much larger.”

  • During Option Period:

    • If your client’s home is dependent on a renovation project, be sure to coordinate with the Renovation Team to get them all the information they need and have them out to the property to give their estimate prior to the end of option period.

    • The Renovation Team cannot give an itemized estimate until after option period so the estimate during option period will be a rough range that requires a 30-60 minute consultation.

      • If your client is not interested in an immediate project, be discerning but keep in mind items that they could want updated in the future as their lifestyle evolves.

      • Keep the door open for renovation services that might fit for them. Maybe an addition if they will need more space later or kitchen and bathroom remodels to get it up to modern standards and aesthetics.

      • If there are any inspection items that are concerning and need to be looked at further, refer to our Preferred Vendors List for access to some of the same groups our Renovation Team uses. 

      • If something out of the ordinary comes up in the inspection, set up time to communicate with the Brokerage Director to help with solutions and ways our team can support you.

    • Sample phrasing:

      • “It looks like “X” and “X” will need a closer look and I would like to get someone out here to give us a cost on “X” for us to keep in mind for negotiations. I can get with a few of the preferred vendors our team uses and have them out here in the next few days.”

      • “This house is going to be a great fit! The great thing about pier and beam foundation, and the way the home is laid out, is after this first year, you can expand “X” or maybe add the square footage you were talking about in the rear that would really make this your dream home.”

  • After the Option Period:

    • If your client is moving forward with the Renovation Team, be sure to check in with them to keep everyone aware of important dates through the rest of the transaction. The Renovation Team will run with the rest of their side of the process.

    • Once the option period is over, it is a great time to directly pitch one of the design services. At this point, your clients are starting to think about moving in and with that comes the pain points of furnishing a new space or updating outdated items in the home. Our Design Team can help that be a far less stressful experience and leave your client with a clear, cohesive vision for their new home.

    • Specifically pitch furniture and decor package discounts as great value for updating their style to their new space.

      • Offer to schedule a “post option period showing” to give your clients more time in the home and help them think through how they would arrange it. This is a great time to talk up the design services outlined on the Design Consultation One Page. 

    • One thing to keep in mind: lenders or other parties to a transaction can partner to cover costs of services if you want to use them as a closing gift. Connect with their lender and see if they are interested!

    • Sample phrasing:

      • “Moving into a new home is a good time to upgrade your decor to match. I know that can be a tall task to take down. Our designers have a handful of options that I think would help take some of the pressure off of you as you get settled.”

      • “Since you guys are hoping to refresh the house from its last update, I would love to connect you with our Design Team to help you execute on your vision.”

  • When your buyer closes: 

    • Following up with clients post closing is a great way to continue building a relationship and get future leads. One of the best times to bring up our design and renovation services is after closing so use our services as a reason to check in!

    • Sample Phrasing:

      • “I hope you are settling in after what I am sure was a hectic few weeks! I would love to connect you with one of our designers to help with some of those projects you mentioned you wanted to go after.”

      • “How are you guys liking the new home?! I hope the “X” has been great for you. Let me know if you get tired of “X” or want to update “X” over the next couple months and we can have our team get together an estimate for you guys.”


    • Renovation (see “Renovation One Page”)

      • Remodeling

        • Our team can cover everything from paint to bathrooms to full house remodels.

      • Additions

        • Every home is unique, but we can add square footage to just about any home!

        • In some homes, we can do second story additions and attic conversions to expand the overall footage.

      • Garage Add-On’s

      • Lot size is often the biggest limiting factor, but if it has enough room, we can do a garage add on.

    • New Builds

      • Have your clients found the perfect lot? Awesome! We do new builds to modern standards and can take it into any design direction your clients want to go!

    • Design (see Design Consultation One Page)

      • Consultation - Pick Her Brain - 2hrs ($250)

      • Design in a Day - ($800)

      • Full Service Design - Varies

      • Furniture and Decor Welcome Home Package


  • Three additional resources we previously mentioned are the What a Contractor Needs to KnowRenovation Pricing Cheat Sheet, and Guide Renovation Steps documents. These documents will help you give rough pricing to your clients as they consider their home options, show you the necessary information to gather for the Renovation Team, and lay out the expectations to transition your clients to working with our Renovation Team when the time comes.